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Recipe: Yummy Optionally Vegan, Banana Chocolate Muffins

Optionally Vegan, Banana Chocolate Muffins . These vegan banana chocolate chip muffins are fluffy, moist, so easy to make and taste am...

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Recipe: Yummy Optionally Vegan, Banana Chocolate Muffins

Optionally Vegan, Banana Chocolate Muffins. These vegan banana chocolate chip muffins are fluffy, moist, so easy to make and taste amazing. Perfect for healthy snacking and great for breakfast too! I wanted to make them banana nut muffins, but since my daughter doesn't care for nuts I went ahead and added chocolate chips instead.

Optionally Vegan, Banana Chocolate Muffins Chocolate Banana Muffins-these rich and fudgy chocolate banana muffins are vegan, but you will never know it! Chocolate banana muffins are a versatile treat. They are perfect for a decadent brunch item, a tasty on-the-go snack, or even a sweet treat at dessert time. You can cook Optionally Vegan, Banana Chocolate Muffins using 10 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Optionally Vegan, Banana Chocolate Muffins

  1. Prepare 2 of bananas.
  2. You need 1.5 cup of plain flour.
  3. Prepare 0.5 cup of sugar.
  4. You need 0.5 cup of (nut) milk.
  5. Prepare 0.25 cup of oil.
  6. Prepare 1 tsp of baking soda.
  7. It's 0.25 tsp of salt.
  8. You need of For chocolate ones, add.
  9. You need 3 tbsp of cocoa powder.
  10. Prepare 100 g of dark chocolate (1 bar).

This recipe for vegan chocolate banana muffins calls for oatmeal and bananas. Don't let that trick you into thinking that it's health food. These vegan banana muffins are super easy to whip up and perfect for an indulgent breakfast or light dessert. If there's one thing a person gets out Stir-ins go in last.

Optionally Vegan, Banana Chocolate Muffins instructions

  1. Mash bananas with a fork in a large bowl.
  2. If you're making chocolate muffins, smash the chocolate bar into pieces with a mallet. Remove the foil first. It is easier when frozen and the bar is thin (Lindt chocolate)..
  3. Preheat the oven for 180°C/356°C.
  4. Add all the dry ingredients to the bowl (chocolate pieces, flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt) and give it a mix. The baking soda needs to spread evenly through the mixture to not get activated by moisture..
  5. Add all the liquid ingredients (milk, oil).
  6. Mix all with a large wooden spoon. You will use it to fill the moulds later..
  7. Prepare muffin moulds on a baking tray. I use silicone ones from IKEA as they are reusable, you can fit all on one tray and don't need a special tray. But you can also use waxed paper moulds on a flat tray OR regular paper moulds in a muffin tray. If you have only regular paper moulds and flat tray, use two moulds for one muffin..
  8. Fill the moulds to roughly 75% each. The muffins will grow!.
  9. Bake on 180°C/356°C for 20-30 minutes..
  10. Use a skewer to check if the muffins are done. Pierce a few of the muffins in the middle and if there is no dough left on the skewer, they are done..

I used walnuts and vegan chocolate chips, but use what you like, or skip them all together. Spoon the batter into paper-lined muffin cups. Before this recipe for vegan banana chocolate chip muffins, I hadn't really played around with vegan baking much. Some of my favorite cooking dishes like I guarantee you're going to fall head over heels for these vegan banana chocolate chip muffins. And I adapted your very popular self into muffin form.

Published: By: Bahyun2 - July 09, 2020

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Coffee Time w/ Banana Muffin

Coffee Time w/ Banana Muffin.

Coffee Time w/ Banana Muffin You can have Coffee Time w/ Banana Muffin using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Coffee Time w/ Banana Muffin

  1. Prepare 250 g of flour.
  2. Prepare 3 of ripe banana.
  3. It's 1 tsp of baking powder.
  4. Prepare Half of cup fresh milk.
  5. You need 1 of egg.
  6. It's 1/2 tsp of vanilla.
  7. You need 1 of small pack Raisin.
  8. It's of Salt.
  9. You need of Sugar.

Coffee Time w/ Banana Muffin instructions

  1. Mix flour with dry ings. Mix well until well combined.
  2. Next, add in all wet ings. Mix well.
  3. Then scoop one by one on each muffin mould.
  4. Heat oven at 200c and bake for 18 mins.

Published: By: Bahyun2 - July 07, 2020

Monday, July 6, 2020

How to Prepare Appetizing Banana and date muffins

Banana and date muffins. A tasty sweet muffin recipe that won't blow your diet. Bananas and dates team up with bran cereal for a tasty breakfast treat. Mix in bananas, vanilla, cereal and dates.

Banana and date muffins This time it was for banana muffins with dates and walnuts. It sounded hearty and "fall-ish" to me and I didn't waste any time getting to work. The muffins were dense and dry, even the grandchildren pushed them away at the breakfast table. You can cook Banana and date muffins using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Banana and date muffins

  1. It's of banana.
  2. You need 100 grams of brown sugar.
  3. It's 300 grams of self raising flour.
  4. Prepare 1 tsp of mixed spice.
  5. Prepare 2 of large over ripe bananas.
  6. You need 160 grams of seeded chopped dates.
  7. You need 3 of eggs lightly beaten.
  8. Prepare 80 ml of vegetable oil(I use olive oil).
  9. You need 80 ml of buttermilk.

A good description might have been "banana flavored. Banana and Date Muffins is a community recipe submitted by potatohead and has not been tested by Nigella.com so we are not able to answer questions regarding this recipe. These vegan banana muffins are moist and delicious and filled with dates and walnuts. No one will suspect they have no added oil or butter.

Banana and date muffins step by step

  1. Grease 12 hole muffin pan.
  2. Put dry ingredients into large bowl. Stir in remaining ingredients..
  3. Spoon mixture into prepared pan. Bake in moderately hot oven for 20 minutes..

This morning I had a houseful of girls: my daughter E. had her friends J. and K. over to spend the night since today is a school holiday. This banana muffin recipe goes over so well with kids. Not only are these banana bread muffins like cupcakes, but they're ready, start to finish, in just half an hour! —Lorna Greene, Harrington, Maine. Lisa Oz's muffins are loaded with protein, vitamins, and fiber. Plus, they are a great sweet treat to add to your meal.

Published: By: Bahyun2 - July 06, 2020