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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

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How to Prepare Appetizing Tomato Salad

Tomato Salad.

Tomato Salad You can have Tomato Salad using 9 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Tomato Salad

  1. It's 6 of medium tomatoes chopped.
  2. You need 1/2 of purple onion chopped.
  3. Prepare 2 cloves of garlic.
  4. Prepare 1 of small bottle capers.
  5. It's 1 handful of coriander chopped.
  6. Prepare 2 of feta rings chopped.
  7. It's Squeeze of lemon.
  8. It's 1 of tblsp olive oil.
  9. It's to taste of Salt and pepper.

Tomato Salad step by step

  1. Mix all the ingredients starting from the top. Put it in the fridge for two hours and serve..

About Bahyun2

Hi, My Name is Hafeez. I am a webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.


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